Student Resources

USHC Students

USHC Student Resources

Looking for more information on how to pay USH Rent, click here.

USH rent is due August 1 if paying out of pocket and August 15 if paying with Financial Aid. Please see more information on how to pay –

Drop and go move in day

USH Move In Incoming Students

Find more information about USH Move In, click here.

Incoming Students will move in August 21st and 22nd based on the building and floor you will reside in. We are excited to welcome you to campus.

Drop and go move in day

Returning Student Move In

Find more information about USH Move In, click here.

Move in for returning students will be August 24th to August 25th.

Summer Housing

Floorplan and Specific Building Information

USH provides has many floorplans available. Please view your specific floor plan here!

If you are looking for information about your specific building click here.

University Student Housing, LLC is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ©2020 University Student Housing at West Chester University