canine ( tooth ); carbon (molecular carbon atoms are frequently designated C1, C2, C3, etc., or α-C, β-C, etc., beginning from one end or other standard reference point); large calorie; cathode; Celsius ( scale ); clonus; complement (C1 through C9); compliance (subscripts denote the structure, e.g., CL lung compliance); contraction; coulomb; cytosine; cervical vertebrae (C1 through C7).
capacitance; clearance (subscripts denote the substance, e.g., CI or CIn inulin clearance); heat capacity.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Abbreviation or symbol for large calorie; carbon; cathodal; cathode; cervical vertebra (C1-C7); closure (of an electrical circuit); congius (gallon); contraction; coulomb; curie; cylinder; cylindric lens; cytidine; cysteine; cytosine; component of complement (C1-C9); third substrate in a multisubstrate enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
2. When followed by subscript letters, for example, Cin, indicates renal clearance of a substance (for example, inulin). When followed by subscript numbers, for example, C19, indicates the number of carbon atoms in a molecule, for example, 19.
1. Abbreviation or symbol for centi-; small calorie; centum; concentration; speed of light in a vacuum; circumference; curie.