I bought a Microsoft Surface primarily for taking notes during lectures and also writing notes on PDFs that I am studying. I bought it after seeing how useful this functionality was on my friends Samsungs tablet, and another friends Apple tablet. However working with PDFs has turned out to be a disaster with the Surface. Unlike the case of my friends tablets where they just open a PDF and can scroll through the pages and write over them at will with the stylus, when I import a PDF into Onenote it imports it as a set of separate pages each one overload over the regular copybook style background. And if I want to move to the another page, I have to click the page name on the sidebar and then wait about 3 or 4 seconds for the page to load. Every time. This is terrible usability as I am working with equations that often run into the following page and hence I have to keep glancing back and forward at other pages. Is there a way to import the document into OneNote as a whole to avoid this page loading issue? If not, are there any apps out there for the Surface that are able to provide continuous scrolling (without scrolling) of PDFs while letting you write over the PDFs?
asked Nov 6, 2016 at 20:05
177 1 1 gold badge 3 3 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges
Just want to say, this is still a problem and I wish I had read your post before buying a touchscreen Windows laptop.
Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 16:21